From the Coffee Shop

3 Scientific Reasons Coffee Makes You Happier and More Productive

One of the reasons is that caffeine causes your body to increase the level of dopamine in your brain, which is the chemical that causes you to feel happy. Yes, coffee, at least the kind with caffeine, can literally make you happier.  
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Health Benefits of Coffee!

According to Steven K Rothschild MD, a family physician at Rush University Medical Center, coffee in moderation can be enjoyed daily!
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Coffee Helping Research for Parkinson’s Disease

For new medications for the treatment of Parkinson’s to Dementia, scientists are looking to coffee! Caffeine, the world’s most widely used drug, can do more than just wake people up. Various studies have linked caffeine to improvements in memory and protection against the destruction of brain cells. One study found that people who drank more than two cups of coffee per day had a 40% lower risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease. Some drug companies have been designing drugs to replicate these benefits, but the challenge is to go beyond to achieve a more powerful effect without side effects like jitters...

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