5 Common Myths about Food and Drink

The debate about health and what’s good for you and not good for you is growing louder. Here are some common bits of advice that have been disproven by recent studies:

  1. Low or Reduced-Fat Foods are Healthier. Foods that are low fat often have higher levels of sugar or other chemicals, and are therefore counterproductive.
  2. You Shouldn’t Drink Red Wine. One study suggests that resveratrol, an antioxidant found in the skin of red grapes, can prevent age-related memory decline. Resveratrol was also found to prevent mice from gaining weight, leading scientists to believe it could have the same impact on humans.
  3. Skipping Breakfast Makes You Fat. A paper published by Columbia University last year found that in overweight individuals, skipping breakfast daily for four weeks led to a reduction in body weight.
  4. Coffee is Bad for You. Several studies have shown the health benefits of coffee, including one in South Korea that found people drinking 3-5 cups a day are at a reduced risk for heart attack.
  5. Cereal is Good for You. A study from Cornell recently reported that in households where boxes of breakfast cereal were left on the kitchen counter, subjects were found to weigh 20 lbs more than neighbors who kept their cereal (if they even had any) in their cupboards. Many cereals include added sugars or processed ingredients as well.


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