3 Delicious Dishes with Cranberries

No longer just a sidekick to turkey, these dishes prove everyone’s favorite tart berry is the perfect way to elevate meals all year long.

A Typecast Treat

Cranberries are synonymous with sumptuous feasts, but it’s truly a bum rap to relegate this fruit – one of only a handful native to North America – to the holiday table. Packed with fiber and a good source of vitamin C, this berry can enhance both sweet and savory dishes with its memorably tart taste.

Though these recipes call for fresh cranberries, frozen can be used in a pinch or when cooking outside of the berry’s short growing season, which spans from September to November, just in time for Thanksgiving. A word to the wise: Don’t try to substitute dried cranberries for fresh in any recipe that involves reducing to a sauce, like the three included here. (You’ve been warned!)

Cranberry-Glazed Chicken

Clean Eating Magazine

Get the recipe here.

Quesadillas with Cranberry Jalapeño Sauce

Clean Eating Magazine

Get the recipe here.

Cranberry Clafoutis

Clean Eating Magazine

Get the recipe here.

Written by Beth Lipton for Clean Eating Magazine and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.

This Cranberry Clafoutis sounds delish! Let's pair it with our French Vanilla Kcups for a delicious treat!


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