Coffee Linked to Longer Life
Great news! A study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine found coffee drinkers are more likely to live longer than non- coffee drinkers. Men drinking 3 cups of coffee per day were 10% less likely to die than non-coffee drinkers, and women drinking that amount were 13% less likely to die. The study, conducted by The National Institute of Health and AARP, followed 400,000 men and women aged 50-71 between 1995 and 2008, and is the largest of its kind.
A single cup of coffee daily was found to provide a slightly lower risk of death, while those drinking the most coffee (4-5 cups) had a 16% reduced risk of death!
Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in America and has been found to lower the risk of several illnesses, and now the risk of death overall. Enjoy an extra cup of HealthWise today!
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