Another Cirrhosis Avoidance Study Tied to Coffee Consumption

Here we go again!  Another new study points to the continuing reports that coffee may be an important therapeutic agent.  This study comes from the UK from a researcher by the name of Dr. OIiver Kennedy from Southampton University, who led a group of researchers who reviewed nine previous studies...

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From the Coffee Shop

For Those Who Add Sugar to Coffee

Coffee is the go-to for many people wanting a cognitive boost. While coffee by itself is a very healthful drink, many people add sugar either to reduce the bitterness or add additional flavor. For those who are trying to cut back on sugar who don’t enjoy the original taste of coffee, try adding salt instead.  The sodium chloride creates ions that can suppress bitterness and enhance flavor. In fact, several countries – Turkey, Hungary, and Sweden – all add salt to coffee as a matter of routine. Coffee has many health benefits, but only if you skip the cream and...

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5 Common Myths about Food and Drink

The debate about health and what’s good for you and not good for you is growing louder. Here are some common bits of advice that have been disproven by recent studies: Low or Reduced-Fat Foods are Healthier. Foods that are low fat often have higher levels of sugar or other chemicals, and are therefore counterproductive. You Shouldn’t Drink Red Wine. One study suggests that resveratrol, an antioxidant found in the skin of red grapes, can prevent age-related memory decline. Resveratrol was also found to prevent mice from gaining weight, leading scientists to believe it could have the same impact on...

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How Coffee and Water Stack Up Against Each Other for Hydration

We have all heard that healthy people should drink about 8 cups of water per day. However, does coffee count toward that water intake? It turns out it is an excellent beverage choice. Eric Rimm, a professor at Harvard, says there is no set amount of water all people must consume each day because food itself contains a lot of water, and bodies require different hydration depending on climates and body mass. He says that water isn’t necessarily better than other beverages, except for those high in added sugars, like sports drinks. Coffee is healthier than soda for almost all...

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Announcing the first ever HealthWise Sweepstakes!

  We are happy to announce the first HealthWise Coffee Sweepstakes! Prizes range from an Apple iPad, a FitBit, and a 5-pack of HealthWise Coffee! Please checkout the giveaway page for more information!  

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Happy National Coffee Day!

The National Coffee Association credits Kaldi, a goatherder, with discovering coffee in the highlands of Ethiopia. It is said that he discovered coffee after noticing that his goats, after eating berries from a certain tree, became so energetic that they did not want to sleep at night. A local monastery then made a drink with the berries which kept him alert for long hours of evening prayer, and soon the knowledge of the energizing berries began to spread. The consumption of coffee spread across the Arabian peninsula, and eventually across the globe. Today coffee is grown all over the world,...

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