Another Cirrhosis Avoidance Study Tied to Coffee Consumption

Here we go again!  Another new study points to the continuing reports that coffee may be an important therapeutic agent.  This study comes from the UK from a researcher by the name of Dr. OIiver Kennedy from Southampton University, who led a group of researchers who reviewed nine previous studies...

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From the Coffee Shop

National Coffee Day

The National Coffee Association credits Kaldi, a goatherder, with discovering coffee in the highlands of Ethiopia. It is said that he discovered coffee after noticing that his goats, after eating berries from a certain tree, became so energetic that they did not want to sleep at night. A local monastery then made a drink with the berries which kept him alert for long hours of evening prayer, and soon the knowledge of the energizing berries began to spread. The consumption of coffee spread across the Arabian peninsula, and eventually across the globe. Today coffee is grown all over the world,...

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Caffeinated Coffee May Help Retain New Memories

One newly-discovered perk of coffee is that it may help in retaining new memories. According to researchers at Johns Hopkins University and UC- Irvine, people drinking at least two cups of caffeinated coffee daily may be better able to form certain kinds of memories than those who do not. Young adults who don’t drink much coffee and hadn’t had any that day were recruited for the experiment and were shown a variety of pictures of objects, then asked whether the picture depicted an indoor or outdoor item. Soon after viewing the pictures, the subjects took either a caffeine pill (two...

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Caffeine May Reduce Tinnitus, Ringing in Ears

Drinking coffee may be good for your hearing, a new study suggests. Women who consumed higher amounts of caffeine were found to be less likely to have tinnitus, which is a steady ringing or buzzing in the ears. The research included more than 65,000 American women aged 30-44, who did not have tinnitus in 1991 and were followed for 18 years. Women who consumed less than 150 mg of caffeine per day (about 1.5 cups of coffee) were 15% more likely to develop tinnitus than those who consumed 450-600 mg daily. Most of the caffeine consumed came from coffee, according...

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What is Chlorogenic Acid?

Chlorogenic Acid (CLA) has been found to be one of the main protective factors in a variety of recent studies examining the health benefits of coffee - from liver to eye health. CLA is one of the powerful antioxidants found in coffee beans, and is also found in strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, and sunflower seeds. Chlorogenic acid has been shown to inhibit an enzyme that promotes the formation of glucose (sugar) in the liver. Hence, chlorogenic acid in coffee may be responsible, in part, for the reduction of glycemic disorders like diabetes. Various studies have also indicated chlorogenic acid slows the...

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Caffeine and Exercise

With summer in full swing, many people are more active than they were in the winter months - with bike rides, runs, or other activities outside. Did you know that coffee can help you get more out of your workouts? Here are 5 ways it can help: Improved Circulation Recent research studied the effects of coffee on circulation in people who were not regular coffee drinkers. Participants in the study drank either caffeinated or decaf coffee, and then scientists gauged finger blood flow, to see how well their smaller blood vessels were working. Those who drank the caffeine had a...

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