Coffee Reduces Pain

In addition to all of the other recent discoveries about coffee’s health benefits (protecting against dementia, certain types of cancers, risk of premature death, and more), reducing physical pain may also be added to the list!  A group of participants recently spent 90 minutes performing fake computer tasks, meant to...

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From the Coffee Shop

3 Scientific Reasons Coffee Makes You Happier and More Productive

One of the reasons is that caffeine causes your body to increase the level of dopamine in your brain, which is the chemical that causes you to feel happy. Yes, coffee, at least the kind with caffeine, can literally make you happier.  
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Health Benefits of Coffee!

According to Steven K Rothschild MD, a family physician at Rush University Medical Center, coffee in moderation can be enjoyed daily!
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Proton Pump Inhibitors

With all of the acidic foods in the typical American diet, it’s no wonder why Acid Reflux is one of the most common complaints at the doctor’s office. In 2009 there were over 9 million visits related to it!  Acid Reflux has caused millions of people to take PPIs, or Proton Pump Inhibitors, the most common type of medication used to suppress stomach acid production in people with reflux.  Most people who take this stay on it for years, or the rest of their lives.   PPIs have some nutrition implications associated with long-term use, mainly with bone and blood...

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Coffee Reduces Pain

In addition to all of the other recent discoveries about coffee’s health benefits (protecting against dementia, certain types of cancers, risk of premature death, and more), reducing physical pain may also be added to the list!  A group of participants recently spent 90 minutes performing fake computer tasks, meant to mimic a day doing office work.  Typically, these tasks can cause pain in the shoulders, neck, forearms and wrists.  Participants were told they could drink coffee or not before the study, whichever was their typical routine.   The researchers at Norway’s National Institute of Occupational Health found that the 19...

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National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month!  Everyone knows nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy body and protecting against chronic disease, and here are some ways HealthWise Coffee can help: - Antioxidants: These help protect the body against disease, by fighting off free radicals which attack healthy cells and cause illness. Coffee is the leading source of antioxidants in the US diet, and over half of Americans enjoy it each day. - Minerals: Minerals are essential for normal body functioning, from bone health to the ability to focus. HealthWise Coffee has a patented roasting formula which allows it to...

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