Add Avoidance of MS to the List of Potential Benefits of Coffee

Drinking 6 or more cups of coffee per day has been associated with a reduced risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS).  In a paper published on March 3rd in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, two studies -in California and Sweden reported that people who drank six or more...

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From the Coffee Shop

3 Ways to Get the Most “Health” Out of Your Coffee

While coffee is the #1 source of antioxidants in the US diet and has been known to help prevent many diseases, there are a few other factors that can give you an even greater benefit: 1.       The Roast: The antioxidant effects of coffee are related to compounds called chlorogenic acids. Roasting green coffee beans turns these acids into antioxidants, but if you keep roasting them, they can break down again. So, lighter roasts tend to have higher antioxidant contents than darker ones. Also, choosing a roast that is low in acid (like Healthwise!) is easier on your digestive system, and...

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Coffee Sip Size Can Affect Flavor

Are you a coffee sipper or gulper? One study shows that taking larger sips of coffee give the best flavor, since more aroma is released compared to during smaller sips. The study looked at “sip volume” and found that larger sips have a higher aroma releases. The researchers were from the University of Naples and pointed out the well-known correlation between smell and taste, and that one can have a significant impact on the other. This advice does go against that for other drinks, such as wine, where people are advised to take small sips to get the maximum flavor...

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Acidic Diet May Raise Diabetes Risk

Researchers at the Gustave Roussy Institute in France have found that a diet high in acidic foods- like meat, fish, and sodas may put some women at a greater risk for developing Type II Diabetes. French women with higher scores on a measure of dietary acidity had a whopping 70% greater risk of developing Diabetes compared to those whose diets were more alkaline! Their acidoc diets involved higher intake of fat and animal protein, and a lower intake of carbohydrates. The diet was also linked to a higher intake of phosphorus, calcium, and sodium, as well as lower magnesium. Specific...

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Coffee Storage Tips

Whether you prefer to purchase whole-bean or ground coffee, it’s important to keep it as fresh as possible to keep your coffee tasting great. Coffee’s main enemies are air, moisture, heat, and light, so keep that in mind when storing your beans or grounds. Here are some tips for coffee storage: 1.       Make sure your container for coffee is airtight. Humidity plays a large role in coffee bean quality, and when exposed to moisture, the beans can go bad. 2.       Store it in a dark place or opaque container, away from light. 3.       Keep your coffee at room temperature- temperature...

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Coffee May Reduce Liver Disease Risk

A study from the Mayo Clinic has shown that coffee can lower the risk of a rare autoimmune liver disease.  This disease is called primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver or liver failure.  Researchers looked at PSC and PBC patients (primary biliary cirrhosis patients) and compared them with healthy patients; the findings revealed that coffee drinking was associated with a lower occurrence of PSC. Not only can coffee lower this risk, but that may help researchers find the cause of the disease and other types of autoimmune diseases.  Read more about this added benefit...

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